Sunday, July 31, 2011

35 weeks...

Wows.  Well as of today I am 35 weeks along with only 33 days to go.  Where the EFF has time gone...seriously?!  Between having to roll off my bed and/or couch, my left leg feeling restless in the morning, the upper back pain, Bre deciding that her foot just HAS to be up in my rib all the time and the constant urge to pee all the time again...I am doin' just peachy keen...not.  I know it is still too early for me to say this, but...I AM READY FOR THIS BABY TO BE OUT OF ME!!!  I am so completely miserable right now, and I still have 5 weeks to go!  It is only going to get worse from here!  I can't lay flat anymore, or even somewhat elevated like I was because then I have the hardest time breathing or catching my breath.  Last night I had to sleep pretty much sitting up, which let me tell you, is NOT comfortable or fun.  I guess that is it for my bitching...for now...

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